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Friday, August 9, 2013

Kundalini Awakening : ACTIVATION OF ROOT CHAKARA Part – 7,

Part – 7, Those who have not read the previous parts it is suggested that you read part – 6 and earlier, as this is a continuation of the text indicated in the previous post.

As we have seen the activation of the root chakra from the five techniques let us understand the details of Mudras, Chanting of mantra Bejams and Meditation as these have been less discussed about.


Mudras are specific body positions that are adopted to achieve a specific result. As per the eastern philosophy, all mater is made up of Panchaboothas. The word Pancha means five and bootha in this context meaning constituents. These constituents are Earth (prithvi), Water (appu), Fire (Theyu), Air (Vaayu), Space (Aakaasam)

These five constituents reflect and create and govern the following with a human being for example.

Five Sense Organs (Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue, Skin.), Five Functions Of Sense (Vision, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch), Five sensory perceptions namely (Smell, Taste, Sight, Touch, Hearing) and Five Intellectual Faculties (Manam-Mind, Bhuddhi- Intellect, Siddham- Perfection, Ahankaram -Pride, Anubhava - Wisdom by self-realization or in other words intuition.)

So by balancing, rebalancing and reorienting the five constituents within us the effects of theses constituents can also be altered. This is accomplished by managing these five constituents individually or in combination.

Our five fingers represent these five elements and performing specific hand pose reorients these five constituents accordingly. Additionally each of the mudras also creates and activates the corresponding nerve centers similar to acupuncture.

Chanting of mantra Bejams:

Mantr Bejams are Sanskrit words or sound that is repeated. The word Bejam also means seed. So to understand properly these sounds we make are like a seed that we sow in the soil of our five elements that intern grow and flourishes within us.

When you throw a pebble into water, it produces circular ripples. In the same way, when you repeat a mantra over and over again, the sound force gathers momentum and creates vibrations. When you repeat the mantra millions and billions of times, it permeates every part of your brain and purifies the whole physical, mental and emotional body.

In order to understand how sound effects, regulates and balances the energy inside us we need to understand sound further. Sound can be divided into four primary divisions which are,—Para which activates and resonates only in Prana or the soul, Pasyanti which activates and resonates in the mind, Madhyama which activates resonates in the Indriyas (The five senses), and Vaikhari which activates and resonates in articulate expression. Some of these sounds are heard and some are out of the human range of hearing.

When we ask about resonation, to any structural engineer or a physics person they would say that all mater have their natural frequency with which it oscillates. Likewise each of our chakras have a natural frequency with which they oscillate the frequencies of the individual chakras are Root Chakra G -16c/3107 Hz, Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra Ab +32c/3367 Hz, Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra B +38c/2020 Hz, Anahata or Heart Chakra C# -31c/2178 Hz, Throat Chakra C# +33c/2260 Hz, Ajna Chakra A +10c/3540 Hz, Sahasrara or Crown Chakra F -26c/2753 Hz

So by chanting the syllables we are activating the corresponding chakras and strengthening it. This is how the chanting of the mantras work. This also is accomplished in tradition using Singing bowls, bells or the dungchen, the Tibetan long horn.

In the next post we will discuss about meditation and how this works and understand the process with a scientific perspective before we proceed further.

Keep reading.
May The Master’s Voice be with you.

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